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China to launch Shenzhou XVIII crewed spaceship on April 25
This undated photo shows Chinese astronauts Ye Guangfu (C), Li Cong (R) and Li Guangsu who will carry out the Shenzhou XVIII spaceflight mission. [Photo/Xinhua]

The Shenzhou XVIII spacecraft carrying three astronauts atop a Long March 2F carrier rocket will be launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 8:59 pm on Thursday, spokesman of the mission announced on Wednesday.

The crew members will be Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu, with Ye as the mission commander. Ye was also a crew member of Shenzhou XIII. And it will be Li Cong and Li Guangsu's first space flight, Lin Xiqiang, spokesman of the mission, said at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center during a news conference.

The main objectives for the mission include orbit handover with Shenzhou XVII crew and carrying out a series of experiments and missions during their stay of six months, Lin said.

He added that the Shenzhou XVIII crew members plan to return to the Dongfeng landing site in late October.

The Shenzhou XVII astronauts will return to the Dongfeng landing site on April 30.

China will intensify research and promote the participation of foreign astronauts and space tourists in space station flights.

Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu, the three Chinese astronauts for the upcoming Shenzhou-18 spaceflight mission, meet the press on Wednesday. [Photo by Wang Jiangbo/chinadaily.com.cn]
Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu, the three Chinese astronauts for the upcoming Shenzhou-18 spaceflight mission, meet the press on Wednesday. [Photo by Wang Jiangbo/chinadaily.com.cn]
The Shenzhou XVIII spacecraft and its carrier, a Long March 2F rocket, are moved to the service tower at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert, April 17, 2024. [Photo by Wang Jiangbo/For chinadaily.com.cn]

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