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Path Seekers 问道中国⑤|运河水道:千年滋养 源远流长

Matthieu Ventelon, who has a Chinese name "Maizi", hails from Toulouse, a city in southwestern France through which the world's first UNESCO World Heritage canal, the Canal du Midi, flows. Having lived and worked in Suzhou for seven years, Maizi still resides by a canal. However, this time it is the Grand Canal of China, a waterway of great historical and cultural significance to this country.

Stretching nearly 3,200 kilometers, the Grand Canal has a history spanning over 2,500 years. It is the world's largest, longest, and oldest canal, traversing time and space while connecting the north and south of China. The Grand Canal flows through eight provinces and municipalities and links five major river systems. It stands as a vital symbol of Chinese civilization. In 2014, the Grand Canal was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural heritage site.

One of Maizi's friends, Gong Liang, Honorary director of Nanjing Museum, once participated in the Grand Canal's World Heritage application. In early spring, when the fresh Biluochun tea leaves turn green, Maizi invited Mr. Gong to start from Suzhou to explore the Grand Canal. Joining them was another of Maizi's Suzhou friends, Mao Chengyi, a young overseas returnee.

Suzhou is the only city along the Grand Canal that has been inscribed onto the World Cultural Heritage list with the concept of an ancient city. Its prosperity and cultural richness have been nourished by the canal for thousands of years. People live along the canal, and the city thrive because of the canal. Maizi discovered that such connections continue to this day. On the Ancient Towpath of Wujiang, he observed cargo boats bustling back and forth, a testament to the Grand Canal's ongoing role as a vital transport route. At Baodai Bridge, Mao Chengyi shared with Maizi the enchanting scene of "Moon Stringed on the Bridge" on the Mid-Autumn Festival, a cherished memory for Suzhou locals who grow up by the canal.

Maizi's exploration also included tasting Suzhou-style noodles, experiencing the traditional craft of Taohuawu Woodblock New Year Prints, boating along Shantang River, and exploring historical relics. As these moments unfolded, a modern rendition of the famous “Suzhou's Golden Age” painting seemed to come alive before Maizi's eyes. He felt the fusion of northern and southern areas facilitated by the canal, marveled at the diverse cultural "pearls" strung together by this waterway, and embraced the vitality of everyday life flourishing along its banks.

As night fell, the trio raised their glasses to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, savoring the joy of the Grand Canal adventure.

"In Jiangsu, rivers, lakes, and seas are its lifeblood. The Grand Canal imparts a spirit of dynamism and inclusiveness to this region." Mr. Gong said. The Grand Canal flows through eight cities in Jiangsu. For Maizi, Suzhou is just the first window into its story. From Suzhou, the canal winds northward in Jiangsu through Wuxi, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Huai'an, Suqian, and Xuzhou, with each city offering its fascinating stories. Inspired, Maizi decides to journey along the canal to uncover more of its landscapes, exploring the enduring vitality of the canal and this country.

来自法国的麦子(Matthieu Ventelon)家乡在图卢兹,一座法国西南部的城市,第一条世界遗产运河——米迪运河流经了那里。在苏州工作生活7年,麦子如今还是生活在运河边,这条运河对中国也意义非凡,它就是中国大运河。





总制片Chief Producers / 杨力群Yang Liqun 双传学Shuang Chuanxue

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总统筹Chief Coordinator / 沈峥嵘Shen Zhengrong

统筹Coordinators / 包闻军Bao Wenjun 王乃毅Wang Naiyi

制作Creators / 刘浏Liu Liu 陈澄Chen Cheng 朱娜Zhu Na 钱盈盈Qian Yingying 陈雨薇Chen Yuwei 王瑞枫Wang Ruifeng

美编Art Editor / 张迪Zhang Di


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